Please let us know if you have any prayer concerns and let us know when your prayers are answered.
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Praying for Our Community
Now that Spring is here, are you getting out and walking around your neighborhood more? Evangelism committee is offering resources for praying for your neighborhood as you walk. In the past, we have done this together on one day, but this year, we are making door hangers available for you to walk at your leisure, along with some tips for your prayer walk.
The door hangers have a prayer for protection for the home and a sticker with the website, worship times, and contact information for Nameoki. These are available at the church in packs of 10. Please put your name on the list by the stack of door hangers to let us know you picked some up so we can be praying for you, too.
Behind each pack are some tips for what to do as you walk. As believers wherever we go, God is with us. This is a wonderful way to bless others with God’s love through prayer and sharing information about your church.
May this be our prayer these days: O God, let the fire fall! Lift our vision; encourage our spirits; teach our minds; burden our hearts; equip our ministries; ignite our lives with the purifying fire of the Holy Spirit. O God, let the fire fall–beginning with me. ~ Billy Graham
Prayer at Noon
We have a prayer circle that meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at noon on Zoom for prayer. You can come any day, just jump on! If you would like the link or dial-by-phone information, contact Pastor Susan through the church office. We spend about an hour together, gathering, sharing concerns and updates, and praying together as each feels led. Everyone is welcome! Contact Pastor Susan if you would like to more information, to join the call, or if you have a prayer concern.
Prayer Partners
Prayer partners commit to pray for each other for a year. If you have questions, contact Donna Kessler.
Learning How to Pray
Have you struggled to know how to pray, wondered why God did not answer something you prayed, or just want someone to pray with or for you?
The prayer ministry time on MWF (anytime) at noon is a great place to learn and practice. We meet on Zoom and some join in together in person at the church. We share prayer concerns and pray for the concerns of the church, community, and world. We are currently reading Dutch Sheets book Intercessory Prayer and discussing it as part of our Monday prayer time after we pray.
You don’t have to speak or pray out loud if you don’t want to. Everyone jumps in or stays quiet as they desire and it varies each time. Contact Pastor Susan for questions or click on the zoom link in the weekly bulletin. If you have a prayer concern or would like for someone to pray with you in person, please contact pastor Susan.
Individual Healing Prayer Ministry
As we go through life, things happen, often as little children, often things we have no control over, sometimes things we do ourselves. Sometimes these things continue to bother us and affect our life and relationships and even our physical bodies. Sometimes there are ways we see the world, respond, and interact with others that we know are not helpful, but we don’t know why we do it or how to stop.
Healing prayer connects people to the healing ministry of Jesus. A person trained in prayer ministry will explain how Jesus sets us free and help walk with a person through the process of repentance and forgiveness and encounter with Jesus in prayer in a way that the person experiences Jesus’ love and presence and healing and is set free from the old ways. If you would like to know more, please contact Pastor Susan.
Other Prayer Guides and Books Available
There are prayer books and prayer cards in the foyer at the church to check out. Please help yourself and pass them on or return them when you are done.