Do you sometimes feel lost in the crowd? Do you have neighbors or friends who would like to know Jesus better, grow in faith, or have questions about faith and the Bible? Or maybe a group of friends who are Christians and want to grow in faith through a small group experience? If you would like to start a small group, we can help you with resources to fit the goal of your group.
Bible Study Groups — if you are interested in any of these, please call or email the church office
Susanna Wesley women’s Bible study group meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the church. They are studying the Women of Faith series
Wednesday Bible study meets weekly on zoom at 10 a.m. and started studying 2 Corinthians in April. All are welcome!
Adult Sunday school Two classes meeting at 8:30 a.m. and everyone is welcome.
The Wesleyan Journey: A Workbook on Salvation
Maxie Dunnam explores Wesley’s understanding of salvation through prayer, study, and reflection. Based on John Wesley’s theology and the Bible’s teaching on what it means to be saved, we see that full salvation is not just a one-time experience of redemption but a lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus every day. Consider anew God’s ever-present grace, the experience of acceptance, pardon, and forgiveness, and the lifelong journey to become more Christ-like. If you are interested, please call the church office or message Susan. Time/day will be set according to interest.
Alpha Course is great resource used at many United Methodist churches for home groups and anyone with questions about the basics of Christian faith (how to read the Bible, how/why to pray, does God heal, who is Jesus and why did he have to die, why is there suffering in the world, what is the church, how can I have faith?). This video provides a glimpse of Alpha:
Keys to Freedom by Mercy Ministries is a study focusing on finding freedom in relationship with God through Jesus and would be a great study for Lent. It includes topics such as Hearing God’s voice, committing and connecting with Christ, Choosing to Forgive, Healing Life’s Hurts, Authority in Christ.
Unbound by Neal Lazano — Despite our best efforts, many of us struggle with sinful patterns of thinking and behaving. Our lack of freedom leaves us feeling hopeless. Jesus sets us free. In Unbound, you will discover the keys to freedom. Balanced and hopeful, Unbound will help you to start living the abundant, glorious life God has in mind. One of Pastor Susan’s sisters recommended this study after doing it at her church.
Wake Up: An Introduction to the Second Half of the Gospel — In this study, you’ll dive into the second half of the gospel. While many of us have repented of our sins and experienced the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ, most of us are still asleep to the second half of the gospel. And as you’ll soon discover, the rest of the gospel is the best of the gospel.
Jump Start Reading the Bible –The Bible is God’s communication to us, to help and guide us. If you want to know how to get started reading and understanding the Bible, this is for you! We will cover what the Bible is, how and who wrote it and when, the different types of writing, resources to understand what it says, major themes and characters, and reading the Bible.
Prayer 101 – Prayer is relationship with God, both talking and listening. This course will introduce what, why, and how to pray, what happens when we pray, approaches to prayer, the difference prayer makes.
Disciple I Bible Study – a more in-depth 34 week study, reading large sections of the Bible and discussing the readings, major themes from Genesis to Revelation, and life application. This is a foundational course for other Disciple studies.
Other Disciple Studies:
Into the Word, Into the World – Genesis/Exodus, Luke/Acts
Remember Whose You Are – Prophets and Paul’s Letters
Under the Tree of Life – Wisdom, Revelation & Letters of John
Jesus in the Gospels – Looks at Jesus through the lens of the different gospel writers and connects Jesus and our Christian faith to the Jewish roots
Encounter the Spirit is a seven-week small group guidebook aimed at helping you discover the treasure of a deep relationship with God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our inheritance as followers of Jesus, the One who draws us to and fills us with the love of God. The Holy Spirit helps us to pray, to hear God’s voice, and to understand God’s Word.
Studying a Book of the Bible with a small group
Studying another Christian life, discipleship book
Coffee and Informal Table Talk about Faith & Life
____ with a small group
____ with the pastor
Fellowship & Service
Capes for Courage meets Wednesday afternoons 1-3pm
UMW and Circles — See the United Methodist Women page for more information
Prayer Circle
We meet either in the Sanctuary or on Zoom on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon for prayer, fellowship, and encouragement.
All are welcome to join in anytime. See the Prayer Page for more information about prayer ministries at Nameoki:
Grief Share
Griefshare is a grief support and recovery group for anyone who has lost a loved one. We meet Wednesday Evenings at 6 p.m. at Nameoki UMC. If you are interested, please call the church office or visit
We are also happy to help start a new class whenever there is interest.